3 min read

Why I just started a blog in 2021? These are 5 incredible benefits of blogging

I just realised it is never too late to start a blog. So, in this article, I wish to share my views on why today is the best time to start blogging now. Learn about how to position yourself as an expert and build community by learning from my experience of starting a blog in 2021.
Why I just started a blog in 2021? These are 5 incredible benefits of blogging

ONE of the most monumental things I've ever done (as a teenager) was to start my blog in 2005. I'd been blogging for a couple of years, but really only as an outlet for myself and friends to follow what we were up to. This was back when blogs were something you might find on Geocities or Blogger (remember those?). This is was before the rise of microblogging (read: Facebook and Twitter), before it had matured enough to take over. My Blogger site didn't survive. I quit blogging when I started my full-time job as a journalist.

My blog was my first real foray into the online world, and I remember being so excited to launch it. Sharing your stories on blogs was so much simpler than what it is today. Back then blogging was just about sharing your stories to your friends (or fans - depends on how famous you are) without feeling pressured by how many followers you had on Twitter (or whatever other networks) and how do they interact with your stories i.e likes, follows, comments, smileys etc. There was no pressure like now when if you're not getting enough likes/shares/comments every day.

But now I’m back! I'm starting this blog in 2021 for a few reasons, other than just being tired of being judged by the interaction rate (links/share/comments), I believe this blog (1) is a way for me to give back in some small way.

Secondly,  I am constantly asked about the media and press, content strategy and how to better position a person or a company in the media, (2) so it is nice to be able to share my thoughts here as well.

Finally, my social media (Instagram and Facebook) has become so cluttered and so disorganised. (3) I’d like to make it easier for anyone who would want to look for my articles and videos in one place, systematically (without having to scroll down while trying to look for the Twitter thread I published three years ago!)

Those are my personal reasons why I'm back into the blogosphere.

But if you are a professional and looking into ways blogs can help you especially with personal branding, below are some points to consider.

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